How to Prevent and Deal with a Drug Overdose?

People who suffer from substance abuse are always at risk of a drug overdose. If you or a loved one uses drugs or alcohol, it is important to know what a drug overdose looks like and what you can do if someone you know is experiencing an overdose.

What is drug overdose?

An overdose occurs when a person consumes too much of a drug. Overdose amounts refer to amounts a person’s metabolism cannot detoxify before it leads to serious medical problems, including death.

What to do if someone is experiencing a drug overdose?

If you find the person has stopped breathing or is not conscious, call 911 right away. While you are waiting for the ambulance, ensure that the person stays awake. If you cannot keep them awake, keep a close watch on their breathing. If the person stops breathing, begin CPR till the ambulance arrives.

How to prevent a drug overdose?

If someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, the best way to prevent an overdose is to help them enter a substance abuse rehab and overcome their addiction. The addiction specialists and counselors at the rehab will help your loved one wean off the substance and cultivate a drug-free lifestyle.

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