Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in San Diego. An Innovative Approach that Actually Works

At Pacific Bay Recovery, we know that going through rehab for drug or alcohol addiction is a difficult, complex process. That’s why we offer personalized, comprehensive cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a program designed to help you break free from the vicious cycle of addiction and transform your life for the better. 

Our team of experienced, compassionate therapists helps guide you through evidence-based treatment modalities that empower you to recognize and change toxic patterns, behaviors, and emotions contributing to addiction.

You can learn more about CBT by calling our team at 619-350-8220.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in San Diego Group

What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a well-researched type of psychotherapy for its efficacy as a proven treatment modality. CBT for drug addiction and CBT for alcohol addiction focus on helping patients identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that may contribute to their addictions.

CBT helps you learn practical skills and strategies to support you through coping with cravings, managing stress, and preventing relapse. At Pacific Bay Recovery, our approach is grounded in evidence-based CBT practices proven to help individuals successfully heal from their addictions, get into recovery, and achieve lasting sobriety.

The Benefits of CBT in Drug/Alcohol Rehab

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is widely recognized for its success in helping individuals struggling with addiction. At Pacific Bay Recovery, our cognitive-behavioral therapy in San Diego helps patients in numerous ways, including:

  • Personalized Treatment: No two patients’ lives are the same, so no two treatment regimens are the same either. We tailor our CBT programming according to your unique needs to ensure you receive the most effective care we can provide.
  • Improved Coping Skills: Learning practical tools in the form of coping skills and strategies is a fundamental tenet of CBT. These coping skills help you manage your stress and cope with high-risk situations while handling your cravings.
  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: CBT helps you develop enhanced self-awareness by training you to better understand your thought patterns and behaviors. This increase in self-awareness empowers you to make lasting changes by recognizing habits and triggers.
  • Relapse Prevention: Through a combination of learned skills, you can maintain long-term sobriety, which enables you to prevent future relapses.

At Pacific Bay Recovery, we use a holistic approach to our CBT programs, complementing other treatment modalities like individual or group therapy. This comprehensive approach allows our patients to receive the holistic care they need to support them through every aspect of healing and recovery.

If you’re ready to experience the benefits of alcohol rehab with CBT, contact our team at 619-350-8220.

CBT therapy

CBT Techniques We Use

At Pacific Bay Recovery, our cognitive-behavioral therapy program incorporates a range of evidence-based, proven techniques to help you overcome your addictions. Some of the techniques our CBT specialists use include:

  • Cognitive Restructuring: A technique that helps you identify negative thoughts and beliefs that are contributing to your addiction and identify ways to restructure or redirect these thoughts
  • Behavioral activation: A technique that helps you engage in healthy activities to promote your well-being while reducing the risk of relapse
  • Exposure and response prevention: A technique that helps you learn to face your triggers and cravings without feeling like you need to resort to using substances
  • Problem-solving training: A technique that helps you develop practical skills to manage your life’s challenges and stressors effectively
  • Mindfulness techniques: Relaxation methods that help you cultivate awareness and self-compassion in order to help regulate your emotions and reduce problematic stress

The end goal of each CBT technique is to empower you to take back control over your life so you don’t feel like you are at the mercy of your addictions.

To learn more about drug rehab with CBT and how these techniques can change your life, contact our team at 619-350-8220.

CBT Therapy

What CBT Treats

CBT is so much more than an addiction treatment method; instead, it can help with a host of mental health problems, including:

  • Anger issues
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Phobias
  • Panic attacks

Since CBT’s methods are rooted in restructuring your cognitive patterns and promoting different behavioral outcomes, CBT is capable of treating a wide variety of problems. 

For example, if you struggle with addiction and anxiety, CBT can help you learn coping skills to better manage your triggers and reactions during anxious situations so you are not inclined to self-harm.

If you are suffering from addiction or any of the other issues listed above, contact us today to learn more about our treatment plans by calling 619-350-8220.

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Why Choose Cognitive Behavioral Treatment with Pacific Bay Recovery?

At Pacific Bay Recovery, we pride ourselves on our evidence-based, holistic approach to addiction treatment. Here are some of the reasons you should choose our CBT-based recovery program.

Experienced, Compassionate Staff

From our cognitive-behavioral therapy specialists and clinicians to our support staff, each member is carefully selected based on their compassionate demeanor, commitment to helping our clients, and expert knowledge in the field of addiction treatment. 

Each member of our team focuses on bringing empathy and understanding to our cognitive-behavioral therapy clinic every day so our patients can experience personalized care tailored to their needs and goals.

Comprehensive, Integrated Treatment

We know that successful addiction treatment programs require a comprehensive approach that treats the person as a whole, including their mind, body, and spirit. 

This is why, in addition to CBT, our program at Pacific Bay Recovery includes other evidence-based therapies and modalities, like yoga, outdoor activities, cupping, and massage therapy.

Ongoing Support and Aftercare

Continued support is critical for individuals trying to recover. We know recovery is a lifelong process that extends beyond a temporary treatment program. In order to help our clients maintain their sobriety and continue to thrive in life, we work with them to offer ongoing support and aftercare services.

Part of our CBT programming involves self-monitoring, a process where you track your behavior, symptoms, and experiences so you can share them with your therapist. This process not only helps you gain more self-awareness but also helps your therapist provide you with the right kind of ongoing support based on your current struggles.

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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Pacific Bay Recovery

If you are ready to change your life for the better, it’s time to start cognitive-behavioral therapy in San Diego, CA, with Pacific Bay Recovery. Learn more about this treatment modality and our other services by contacting us today at 619-350-8220.

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