Intensive Outpatient Treatment for Drug/Alcohol/Behavioral Addiction In San Diego
We help you succeed in the long-run!
At Pacific Bay Recovery, our goal is long-term treatment, recovery, and success, which is why we offer intensive outpatient drug rehab and outpatient alcohol rehab treatment services. Outpatient rehabilitation, including outpatient dual diagnosis, is where a patient travels to a center to attend therapy sessions and can return home the same day. While you may be discharged from our facilities after our doctors are confident that you are doing well enough to go home, you may still need continual accountability and emotional support to succeed.
We create an individualized treatment plan for you!
After you have undergone medical detoxification through our programs and stayed at our facility for approximately 90 days, you may be able to take advantage of 21 months of outpatient services with us. We are able to create individualized treatment plans to help you achieve your goals. You can rest assured that our programs can benefit you!
Our specialized outpatient programs include:
- Counseling
- Physical Restorative Therapy
- Psychoeducation
- Spiritual Therapy
- And More!
To learn more, contact our office today at (619) 350-8220 and request your free evaluation now!
FAQs on Intensive Outpatient Treatment for Opiate Addiction
Prescription drug abuse and addiction to narcotics is a national epidemic. Every year, this horrible addiction affects millions of people in the U.S. Intensive outpatient treatment is an option for people suffering with opiate addiction.
What is the goal of outpatient treatment for narcotic addiction?
The goal of intensive outpatient treatment is to first stabilize the patient so he/she can maintain an independent, productive life. Secondly, the staff engage clients in ongoing rehabilitation on an outpatient basis.
An intensive outpatient treatment program offers detoxification and recovery services through counseling, medication, and support services. Outpatient programs are best for addicts who have only be using a substance for a short amount of time.
The initial visit begins with a detailed psychological assessment. The skilled mental health and addiction professionals guide the patient through medically supervised stabilization, which integrates the person into counseling sessions. In addition, medication treatments are initiated.
Intensive outpatient treatment involves a “step-down” level of care program, which offers a flexible alternative to day treatment or residential inpatient care. Patients receive an initial assessment, 12-step multidisciplinary therapy, referrals to community services, and ongoing social support. Depending on the person’s needs, clients can attend treatment 2-4 hours a day, 2-4 days a week.
Outpatient drug rehabilitation offers a forum for clients to receive support with their life stressors, as well as work, school, and family problems. Traditional counseling allows the addiction specialists to help addicts resolve interpersonal conflicts, emotional concerns, stress, and anxiety.
Group therapy is a component of outpatient intensive drug treatment. These sessions focus on improving strategies to maintain sobriety, develop a supportive environment needed for recover, and avoid relapse.
Outpatient treatment for opiate addiction is available for men and women of all ages and backgrounds. This program provides an educational structure and supportive setting for people who need help with the recovery process.
Attending an outpatient opiate addiction treatment facility offers many benefits. The treatment program:
- Reinforces healthy and helpful ways of interacting in a supportive, safe environment.
- Continues to provide development of socialization and communication skills.
- Oversees how clients structure their new lifestyles and offer guidance as necessary.
- Allows members to get help and assistance from group members further along in their recovery.
- Board-certified physicians
- Licensed drug and alcohol counselors
- Licensed psychologists
- Registered nurses
- Licensed mental health counselors
- Licensed addiction specialists
- Licensed social workers
The duration of an outpatient treatment program varies according to the extent of the addiction, the specific needs of the client, and the philosophy of the facility. Most recovering opiate addicts can expect to spend one to three months receiving outpatient care. However, most serious cases require up to a year or more for proper treatment. Long-term outpatient rehabilitation offers extended counseling for those who are at great risk for relapse.