4 Excellent Tips to prevent Alcohol Relapse

Recovery is a long journey and maintaining long-term sobriety takes effort, motivation, and self-control. Here are some highly effective relapse prevention tips that can keep you on your path of recovery.

Know your triggers

Relapse is part of recovery, and it is wise to accept this as a normal experience in your life. Relapse presents the opportunity to learn to avoid future mistakes. Developing self-awareness and self-control can help you identify triggers. Once you know your triggers, you will have the power to avoid them.

Go to therapy.

Ongoing counseling and therapy help you maintain sobriety. It can help you resolve any negative feelings and thoughts that push you back towards alcohol use.

Have a relapse prevention plan in place

With your therapist’s help, create a plan that will help you manage recovery, as well as prevent relapse while keeping you on track.

Learn to cope with cravings and triggers

Understand that your cravings and urges are normal in early recovery. When you repress them, they become stronger. Learn how to take control of your thoughts and emotions.

Avoid high-risk situations with alternative strategies. Here are some useful tools to prevent relapse –

  • Develop a hobby, sport or other activity
  • Encourage yourself with positive self-talk
  • Use meditation as a healthy way to cope with stress and relax
  • Learn anger and depression management
  • Reduce your list of daily responsibilities


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