Using Acupuncture as Part of Your Treatment During Recovery

How Does Acupuncture Help You?

If you have watched Asian films and television series set in imperial times, there is usually a doctor or specialist who uses acupuncture as part of a recovery treatment process. Chinese medical practitioners have been using acupuncture for over 3,000 years, with the first documentation occurring in a book called The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, published around 100 BCE. Qi flow channels, sometimes referred to as meridians, had already been determined, based on numerous traditional practices. Over time, by designing and mapping exact insertion points for the very thin needles used during treatments, patients could achieve a successful recovery from pain and illnesses.

While the practice of acupuncture did not really take hold in the West for a long time, in 1997, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognized positive evidence of using acupuncture as a suitable means of treatment. The practice of acupuncture is now a respected form of complementary integrative intervention, particularly when addressing issues related to strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSDs), traumatic brain injuries, and more.

The Value of Using Acupuncture to Remove Pain

Acupuncture is also a useful tool for the treatment of those patients going through recovery from substance abuse and addictions. Applying thin needles in the right places on the body stimulates a release of endorphins which eliminate pain or reduce pain points to a manageable level where patients can live their lives at a normal level.

The use of acupuncture also means patients can easily get off drugs, such as opioids for pain relief, with fewer problems during recovery. Many patients begin abusing substances because they are in great physical pain, and they look for ways to end the pain using substances that block the nerves where pain presents itself. The types of substances patients have turned to are prescribed drugs in increasing dosages, illicit drugs purchased on the street, and alcohol consumed in greater amounts when the body needs more to alleviate pain.

Yet, this is an addictive circular trap with dangerous substances that, over time, causes patients to take more of the substance, as well more often. The body gets used to the set amount of substance and then it needs more of the substance to reduce pain. With constant physical reinforcement of dangerous substances on the body and brain, the physiology of cell function changes, sometimes permanently.

Using acupuncture as an integrated method within a comprehensive treatment plan provides the way out of eliminating those substances that harm the body and mind, rather than providing temporary harmful fixes. Using acupuncture that provides endorphin releases also makes patients feel better about themselves when not have to deal with excruciating pain all the time and they take more interest in accomplishing different activities during their daily routines.

Acupuncture versus TMS Treatments

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a therapy using magnetic pulses through a node (magnetic coil) placed on the front surface of the head. The repetitive pulses (rTMS) stimulate nerve cells in the cerebral cortex of the brain which controls brain functions such as sensory, cognitive, and emotional. When a patient has substance-use disorders (SUDs) or addictions, parts of the cerebral cortex are negatively affected, causing emotional disorders on several cognitive levels. The use of rTMS can reactivate these cells through consistent treatments. However, due to the electrical charges, this treatment is not for everyone, such as those patients with implants.

Using acupuncture for the treatment of changed nerve cells is a good alternative to the rTMS treatment. For those capable of using rTMS but who do not want to undergo this, there is also an acupuncture treatment version that uses very light electrical charges (electroacupuncture) to the inserted needles. Patients can try this treatment or have regular acupuncture treatments.

Acupuncture treatments cover many different medical conditions. When you have a consultation with your counselor, be sure to let the counselor know what they are as an acupuncture treatment can be applied to your overall treatment program. Each program is uniquely designed for your body’s chemical levels which are gathered during the initial assessment, along with results of other common tests that doctors always conduct.

No two treatments are exactly the same and no two people are exactly the same. That is why, for example, a reasonably well-balanced diet will work for one person, but another person has different outcomes. These differences are sometimes a result of unbalanced hormone levels. Testing for such imbalances, as well as allergies, becomes very important to design a treatment program.

Call Us if You Need Help with Pain Issues or Have a Substance Abuse Disorder

Pacific Bay Recovery can help you with any substance addiction and/or mental issue you might have so you can regain a happy and functional lifestyle again. Call us for a free consultation and to set up an appointment to start getting help as soon as possible. 619-350-8220.

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