Alcohol and Domestic Abuse

Alcohol is the most popular drug of abuse in the world. This is, surprisingly, despite the fact that it is also notorious for causing people to behave violently. There has always been a strong link between domestic abuse and alcohol.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the ways that alcohol can contribute to domestic violence. Alcohol rehab San Diego can help you avoid these challenges.

Why Does Alcohol Contribute to Violence?

Alcohol is known to contribute to violence and nowhere is this more obvious than among intimate partners. Research from countries all over the world indicates that alcohol consumption increases the frequency of domestic violence.

There are a number of reasons that this may be the case.

  • Alcohol impairs your mental functioning. Alcohol makes it harder to make sound decisions and alter perceptions. What may seem, to a drunken individual, like a simple retort in an argument or a playful shove may, in fact, be serious verbal or physical abuse.
  • Alcohol reduces inhibitions. When you’re drunk it becomes a lot harder to maintain control over your words and actions. This greatly increases the chances of participating in domestic violence.
  • Alcohol causes emotional outbursts. When you’ve been drinking it becomes much easier to succumb to your emotions. Anger often leaves people in fits of uncontrollable anger or sadness.
  • Alcohol can create lifestyle problems that encourage stress or anger. Problem drinkers and alcoholics often struggle with financial problems or other difficulties in their social, personal, or professional lives. This can lead to mental and emotional problems which may provoke violence.

Alcohol rehab San Diego can help you identify some of these difficulties and learn to manage them.

Alcohol, Domestic Abuse, Gender and Society

Alcohol can make both men and women more likely to participate in domestic violence. Furthermore, the widely-held belief that alcohol causes violence may lead some people to act violently while drunk because they know they can use alcohol ‘as an excuse.’

Both men and women are more likely to act violently when drunk. However, men are statistically more likely to commit violent acts than women.

It’s important to note that domestic violence can occur independently of alcohol abuse. However, in these cases, the emotional and physical trauma resulting from the violence can actually make someone more likely to drink alcohol.

This, in turn, puts the individual at a greater risk of experiencing further domestic abuse. Drinking is not a healthy coping mechanism and makes someone more likely to act irrationally, aggressively, or unpredictably.

Domestic abuse rates vary from country to country, and most of the studies focus on the abuse perpetrated by men against women. In Japan, for example, up to 15% of females suffer from domestic abuse whereas, in Ethiopia, as many as 71% of women have been abused.

Though the studies do not specify the identities and genders of the perpetrators, it is relatively safe to assume that the majority of violent perpetrators are men. Given the societal and sexual standards of these societies, there are very few same-sex marriages.

That said, the statistics of violence perpetrated against men, either by other men or by their female partners, are often underreported. Many men suffer from abuse at the hands of their partners and are unwilling to report it. In some cases, reports from men are not taken seriously.


Domestic abuse is often fueled by alcohol. While domestic abuse can certainly occur in sober partnerships, the unpredictable and emotional behavior resulting from alcoholism certainly increases the risk.

If you are concerned about the health or safety of yourself or your loved ones, you may want to seek help at an alcohol rehab San Diego.

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