Behavioral Changes that May Indicate Addiction

Many physical changes may indicate addiction. These changes are so popular that people forget to look out for other types of changes that may also indicate addiction. A person with an addiction may master the act of hiding the physical changes of the disorders, but behavioral changes may be more difficult to hide. Looking out for drastic, unexplained changes in the way a person behaves may help it easier to detect addiction early. Here are five behavioral changes that may indicate addiction.

Mood Swings

While mood swings can be indicative of many conditions, people with addictions often show signs of extreme mood swings. This is because most addictive substances work on the pleasure centers in the brain. So, people feel particularly euphoric and active when they take these substances. However, these drugs can permanently alter the way the brain processes reward and pleasure, making it difficult for it to process these emotions without drugs.

If someone keeps altering between deep depression and periods of high euphoria, they may be suffering from an addiction.

Increased Secrecy and Need for Privacy

To nurse their addiction, people with addiction tend to be more secretive with an increased need for privacy. They want to be left alone for long hours and make up lies to cover up for the long hours of absence. A person with addiction may also lie or steal to get their hands on the addictive substance. If you suspect someone has an addiction and they suddenly develop these behaviors without any explanations, they may be suffering from substance abuse.

Inability to Keep Anger under Control

Another sign of addiction is regular crankiness and testiness. This is because regular drug abuse can alter the way the brain handles anger and checks impulses and inhibitions. Research has found that people with addictions have more difficulties reigning in their anger. They often resort to violence at the tiniest provocation.

Increased Risky Behaviors

Many people with addictions often resort to risky behaviors to keep their addiction alive. They may be more prone to steal money from family members, drugs from their friends and drug stores, or break into homes and cars. In most cases, the propensity to throw all cautions to the wind is a strong indication of addiction.

Sudden Loss of Interest in Activities

As addiction grows, so does its importance in a person’s mind. Slowly, feeding the addiction becomes more important than families, friends, careers, academic pursuits, hobbies, and every other activity. At this stage, people with addiction stop socializing with friends, spending time with family members, or pursuing academic or professional goals. Getting the next fix becomes paramount, and it stops all other activities.

If you know someone who has an addiction, you have to get them professional help as soon as possible. The longer they feed the habit, the more difficult it will be to stop it. We are a drug rehab center in San Diego dedicated to providing holistic drug rehab in San Diego.

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