What are co-occurring disorders and addiction?

If you have lived or worked with someone struggling with drug addiction, you may have noticed that they often struggle with other mental health problems. Many drug users are frequently afflicted with problems like depression, anxiety, or unaddressed trauma.

Give Rehab Another Chance

People who suffer from substance use disorder or a process addiction have to suffer a great deal before they are identified with the problem and given proper treatment. However, rehabilitation does not work for everyone. There are a number of patients who fail it. But … Read more

Alcoholism in Females

Historically, alcoholism has been a health issue that is more prevalent in men as compared to women. Men have always consumed more alcohol in previous generations. But this appears to be changing of late. Biologically speaking, women are more prone to alcoholism compared to men … Read more

What Happens When An Addict Fails Treatment Recovery?

Ideally, all addiction patients who go through the recovery process will recover from their disease and never relapse. Unfortunately, the world is not perfect, and many times, patients relapse. After a relapse, many addiction patients may find it very difficult to return to the recovery process. However, it is important to remember than many people experience relapse, and it is never too late, nor is a patient ever too far gone to begin the recovery process again.

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