Outpatient or Intensive Outpatient Rehab?

If you or a loved one is seeking addiction treatment, and ant to recover at home instead of checking into rehab, it is important to understand the difference between outpatient program and intensive outpatient program.

Many drug rehab centers offer inpatient, outpatient, and intensive outpatient programs. It is crucial to learn how these programs benefit patients to decide on the best level of treatment for you or your loved one’s specific needs.

Outpatient Treatment

As the name suggests, outpatient treatment is a part-time treatment program. During this program, the individual can stay at home and visit the rehab for specific therapy sessions. For example, you may attend counseling about four times a week with each session lasting two to four hours.

Outpatient rehab helps you recover with regular therapy and counseling sessions but you do not receive round-the-clock care, which may be required in some cases.

But some patients may require a structured treatment plan to recover and avoid relapse. In such cases, outpatient rehab alone might not be enough. It may be the person’s immediate environment, home, workplace, or social activities that triggered substance abuse. If s/he can’t get out of that place, staying sober may prove to be a challenge.

Intensive Outpatient Program

An intensive outpatient program, or IOP, also doesn’t require living at a facility. But compared to an outpatient program, it requires more time commitment and attention. Intensive Outpatient Program can become the perfect bridge between inpatient rehab and outpatient therapy.

For people trying to establish careers, or those with busy lifestyles, don’t have to deviate from their demanding schedule to recover successfully.

An intensive outpatient program is appropriate for people who need a higher level of care but are still able to function at home. It’s also good for individuals moving from a more demanding treatment program, such as inpatient rehab, to a more flexible program.

Making a Choice between Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Program

A person suffering from a severe addiction may benefit from an inpatient program. Undergoing detox and living at rehab can reduce the chances of relapse. If an intensive outpatient program is added, it can maximize your chances of success.

The best way to determine the treatment option for your situation is an intake assessment. Qualified de-addiction specialists evaluate your condition and overall health to determine an addiction treatment program that would be best for your needs.

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