Community Support and Connection: Building Resilience on the Path to Recovery from Trauma-Related Addiction

The road to recovery from trauma-related addiction can often feel isolating and challenging. Studies show that community support plays a significant role in overcoming such trials.

This article will provide insights on how fostering resilience through community connections can aid the healing process for those battling with addiction. Keep reading, this might be your lifeline on the path to recovery.

Step 3: Outpatient Rehab in The Ultimate Addiction Recovery Guide

Facts on Drug Rehab Treatment from a San Diego Addiction Treatment Center

Drug addiction, in most cases, goes untreated. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Survey on Drug and Health, 9.4 percent of the US population aged12 or older had to be treated for drug or

alcohol abuse problem in 2007. Of those people surveyed, 2.4 million individuals (10.4 percent) needed treatment or received treatment at a specialty rehabilitation (rehab) center by addiction professionals.

Step 3: Outpatient Rehab in The Ultimate Addiction Recovery Guide

Dual Diagnosis Rehab in San Diego – Treating Multiple Addictions

Those with addictive personalities are likely to struggle with multiple addictions. The thing that is interesting here is that the addictions do not have to be related at all. For example, someone with a drug addiction may also be addicted to a certain food. Those with alcohol addictions may also have an odd addiction to collecting things. Regardless of the combination, there is help available to treat them all at once.

How To Know If You Have A Prescription Pain Drug Addiction

About 15 million US residents are victims of prescription drug addiction at any given time while at least a quarter of them fit the criteria for prescription drug addiction treatment and rehab. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the country has a population of over 52 million Americans who resorted to prescription drug use without any medical need between 12 years of age and now. Almost 90 percent poisoning deaths are attributed to these drugs.

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