Community Support and Connection: Building Resilience on the Path to Recovery from Trauma-Related Addiction

The road to recovery from trauma-related addiction can often feel isolating and challenging. Studies show that community support plays a significant role in overcoming such trials.

This article will provide insights on how fostering resilience through community connections can aid the healing process for those battling with addiction. Keep reading, this might be your lifeline on the path to recovery.

Does drug use lead to strokes?

If you or a loved one are a regular user of drugs, it’s important to consider the possible health consequences of using these substances. Drugs are known to cause a wide variety of health issues, and there is some research suggesting that drugs can make … Read more

Change can be Hard regarding Drugs and Alcohol

In the beginning, change is very difficult to any drug- or alcohol-addicted person. This is due to the possibility of changing your surroundings, friends, and sometimes family upon who you socialize. You may need to find new friends, leave your family home, or even stop frequenting your normal hangouts to continue the healing process and start making the change to the path to recovery. At this step, you start thinking about the good ole times when you hung out and partied with friends before you really got serious about becoming clean and sober. The one thing you forget is that they don’t want you to be clean and sober. Rather, they still want you down there with them, living the life of an addict.

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