Will My Relationship Survive If I Decide to Introduce Drugs to It?

Drugs and drug habits are hard to keep under your thumb. The reasons for this can be understood easily by looking at the powerful relationship between a drug user and their substance of choice. This intense relationship often supersedes any personal or romantic relationships which can create numerous problems.

So, is it a good idea to bring addiction into a relationship? In almost all cases, the answer is a strong no. However, recent therapeutic advances in drug use suggest that drugs – when used therapeutically – can be beneficial. This article will explain all about these issues and possibilities.

Addiction Is Relationship

People who use drugs often do so because they feel more complete, have more fun, and can enjoy life more when under the influence. Once addicted, they have a fiery, intense desire to use these substances. These feelings are nearly identical to those that couples undergo at various times during their relationships.

The individual is attracted to the substance because it provides them with fulfillment or pleasure. During the later stages of addiction, this attraction turns into codependence. They are attracted to the substance because without it, they become extremely sick or unwell.

In drug culture, there is a term used to describe the initial elation that somebody feels during the first few weeks or months of their experience with a new drug: the honeymoon phase. Much like a newlywed couple often experiences the most intense and passionate fire during the beginning of their marriage, so too does a drug user first fall in love with a substance during the early stages.

After they pass through the honeymoon phase into full-blown dependence, they no longer support their relationship with addiction for the same reasons. Instead, they maintain this relationship out of comfort, fear, dependence, desperation, or simply because they have forgotten how to live without it.

Two Incompatible Relationships

Addiction is a full-time relationship in the most literal sense. In most cases, a drug addict simply cannot juggle two full-time relationships. They will be forced either to choose one of these relationships or they will only be able to put half of their heart into each of them. In this case, a loving partner will likely feel unsatisfied in the relationship and grow resentful as the drug user pours the other half of their dedication into sustaining their addiction – even if this is not what they truly want to do.

The Risks of Bringing Drugs into a Relationship

Sadly, the turbulence created by chronic drug use often damages the relationship, sometimes to the point of disrepair.

  • Unstable behavior and mood swings can cause unpredictable interactions.
  • Blackouts and disinhibition can cause people to act extremely erratically, violently, or inappropriately.
  • Financial and legal repercussions are common among drug users and these can damage a relationship.

That’s not to say that all drug use will immediately destroy any relationship. Many couples are able to participate and enjoy occasional recreational or therapeutic drug use. However, these people have a very clear understanding of where the line between sustainable use and abuse stands and make sure never to step into the realm of abuse.

If you’re not sure whether or not this is you, it’s not worth the risk. Very few people are able to maintain a recreational and sustainable relationship with drugs.


Addiction is a complicated and difficult relationship to maintain, and unfortunately, one that often takes precedence over an individual’s romantic relationships. Juggling addictions and relationships can be very difficult and should be avoided if possible.

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