Exploring the Different Kinds of Addiction

There are all kinds of addiction conditions people deal with in their day-to-day lives. There are a couple of categories for the various kinds of addiction. The first kind of addiction is a type of behavioral addiction, where you do something leading to a potential chemical release inside the brain. Alternatively, an individual might suffer from a substance addiction, where you ingest something physically.

This sort of addiction might involve drinking alcohol, inhaling a narcotic, or consuming a drug. While behavioral and substance addictions are different from each other, each addiction has the possibility of affecting your life. Most kinds of addiction may ruin important relationships, lead to the loss of jobs, and produce legal problems. Because of that, it’s vital that you recognize these different types of addictions and get help.

What Are the Different Kinds of Addiction?

The most commonly referenced types of addictions are substance addictions; however, behavioral addictions may occasionally come out of nowhere and at a point when it’s least expected. But as far as substance addictions are concerned, some of the more typical kinds of addiction are:

  • Drug addiction
  • Prescription drug addiction
  • Alcohol addiction

Those substances may wreak havoc on someone’s physical and mental health. If somebody is experiencing a substance use disorder, it’s important that they get treatment as soon as they can.

Types of Behavioral Addictions

All of the following kinds of addiction don’t begin as an addiction; however, may spiral out of control. Some more frequent behavioral addictions are:

  • Social media addiction
  • Sex addiction
  • Porn addiction
  • Video game addiction
  • Gambling addiction
  • Eating disorders

Behavioral addictions don’t necessarily have the same impact on a person’s physical health, but they may certainly affect other areas of life. Thankfully, there are options for treatment available at Pacific Bay Recovery in San Diego, CA.

Planning to Go to a Rehab Facility

There are various methods of recovery for various addiction disorders. For instance, substance use commonly starts with a process of detoxification, in which the body has to rid itself of the drug. After detox, there’s likely a stay at rehab. Rehab assists in giving your body a fresh start; however, it’s still up to the mind to assist in maintaining a sober lifestyle.

Generally, behavioral addictions don’t require a period of detox, as there isn’t any chemical alteration being ingested by your body. But, your body still wants the release it experiences after those actions occur. Because of that, rehab is usually needed as your body must be separated from the addiction.

If you’re experiencing a behavioral addiction (or maybe you have both a behavioral and substance addiction, which is not uncommon), it’s vital that you search for a rehab facility that offers services for such addictions.

Considering Symptoms Before Going In

Common addiction symptoms involve:

  • Activities that center around the addiction in such a way that negatively impacts work, school, and relationships
  • Preoccupation with addiction and spending lots of time engaging in, planning, and recovering from addictive behavior
  • Energy changes, like being extremely and unexpectedly energetic or tired
  • Difficulty controlling or cutting down addictive behavior
  • Extreme changes in mood
  • Physical changes, which include changes in weight and increased illness
  • Sleeping a lot less or more than normal, or at different periods of the night or day
  • Tolerance: involving the necessity to be increasingly involved in the addictive behavior to obtain the desired effect
  • Withdrawal behavior, once the individual doesn’t engage in the activity or take the substance, and they suffer unpleasant symptoms

Picking the Best Rehab Center

If you are presently experiencing an addiction, you don’t have to battle it by yourself. The ideal method of moving past the addiction and into a healthier lifestyle includes seeking assistance. It’s oftentimes the best method of keeping addiction at bay, irrespective of the kinds of addiction you might struggle with. But there are a number of options of treatment available at Pacific Bay Recovery to assist in turning the tide, like:

  • Acupuncture
  • Cupping Therapy
  • Holistic Therapy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Yoga Exercise
  • Gym Access

Therefore, if you are prepared to make the first step toward your new life, now is the right time to get on an internet search for “alcohol detox centers near me,” and if you live in the San Diego, CA area, please feel free to get in touch with the friendly staff at Pacific Bay Recovery by giving us a call at (619) 350-8220 so we can put together addiction treatment plans for you or a loved one.

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