Triggers that Can Cause Drug Cravings

One of the biggest problems that recovering drug addicts must deal with is a relapse. The rates of relapse are incredibly high, even among people who have successfully gone through rehab. One of the reasons for this is because people may not properly learn how to deal with their drug cravings and the triggers that lead up to them.

A trigger can be a person, place, situation, or thing that causes an individual to crave drugs. Drug cravings can be dealt with in a number of ways, but one of the best ways to deal with them is a preventative measure: be aware of your triggers, and learn how to deal with or avoid these triggers so that the cravings don’t come in the first place.

This article will outline some of the most common triggers for people who are going through drug cravings.

Most Common Drug Craving Triggers

Understanding these triggers can be a huge help for any recovering addict who wants to avoid risking a relapse. Here are some of the most common triggers for recovering users:

  • Being in an area where drugs were frequently used. The environment a recovering user puts themselves in is incredibly important, as going anywhere that they used drugs can be a huge trigger.This trigger is especially important to consider when you recognize that many users abuse drugs in their hometown. People who have recovered and are hoping to make their way to school or work may want to plan a travel route that allows them to avoid any houses or parks that they used to use drugs at.
  • Being around other drug users, especially ones that you used with. Being around any sort of drug users can be a trigger for a recovering addict, but cravings can become particularly intense if they spend time with someone that they frequently used drugs with. This can bring back fond memories and become a serious trigger.
  • Seeing or hearing media related to drugs. A news story about drugs, a rap song with lyrics related to drug use, or movies that show drug use can all be huge triggers for anyone recovering from an addiction. These triggers can be difficult to avoid, as they can often arise without warning.
  • Boredom can be a trigger in itself. Many recovering addicts are aware that if they get high, they will suddenly feel motivated and enthusiastic. Unfortunately, this is likely to lead back down the road to addiction. Boredom should be avoided by developing a lifestyle filled with activities and hobbies.


As you can see, there are many different triggers for recovering addicts. We’ve listed just a few in this article, but there are many more to be aware of. If you or a loved one are working through recovery, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a rehab center or a drug counselor to help you along the path.

Written by Nigel Ford

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