Is It Addiction or Recreational Usage?

One of the biggest barriers preventing people from seeking addiction treatment is their inability to recognize their own addiction. The line that separates casual, recreational drug use from addiction is blurred and often confusing. In this article, we’re going to talk about the difference between … Read more

Addiction, Genetics, and Family Roles

Drug addiction is a very complicated condition. Research has revealed that people who are raised by drug-addicted parents are more likely to develop addictions themselves. This has led to some speculation that drug addiction may be a genetic disorder. There are many different factors involved … Read more

My son is on drugs, how can I help him?

If you’re the parent of a son who is addicted to drugs, you’re naturally going to wonder how you can help him feel better. Unfortunately, there are no simple answers when it comes to helping someone through a drug addiction. Each addiction is unique, and … Read more

Does drug use lead to strokes?

If you or a loved one are a regular user of drugs, it’s important to consider the possible health consequences of using these substances. Drugs are known to cause a wide variety of health issues, and there is some research suggesting that drugs can make … Read more

Does Drug Addiction Run in Families?

There are a lot of different factors that contribute to a person’s chances of developing a drug addiction. A person’s upbringing and their family influence are all things to consider when learning about drug addiction. This article explores some of the ways that drug addiction … Read more

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