Outpatient Rehab – Is it Right for Me?

For those whose lives still remain functional, outpatient rehab may be an option to consider. With this type of program, you see a counselor locally and work with therapy groups, attend AA/NA meetings, and complete assignments to help you with becoming drug- and/or alcohol-free. While you do have the freedom to live your life, random drug/alcohol tests are likely with this type of program, and you must be willing to submit to them, especially if it is court-ordered outpatient care.

How to Detox Your Liver From Alcohol Without 30 Day Rehab Programs

In the past few years, more and more scrutiny has been placed on America’s addiction to short rehab programs. Countless articles have why the current 30-day trend is outdated, expensive, and has poor rates of return. Some estimate that only 10% of addicts going into a 30-day rehab program will stay sober. In an interview with Slate magazine, one Outpatient clinic owner noted: “You don’t treat chronic illness with 30 days of intensive rehab – that’s absurd”. He’s got a point. The real question is what’s the solution? Luckily there are other options on how to detox your liver from alcohol.

Holistic Rehab – It Isn’t just Crazy Talk

A holistic approach to rehabilitation (rehab) for addictions might seem crazy, but the truth is, it works. These programs are based upon the premise that natural elements remove negative energies and toxins from the body to reduce the “need” for drugs and/or alcohol. Consider it as being a realist’s way of healing. Look into these programs and view the success rates–you may be shocked.

Techniques for Dealing with Mental Urges

Every person who is recovering from addiction will experience uncomfortable urges and cravings for his/her drug of choice. This is normal recovery behavior. Fortunately, these cravings usually pass with time. When you are first starting rehabilitation, these things are normal, so expect them. We offer some helpful techniques you can use to deal with mental urges.

The Relapse Prevention Plan

People who have a history of alcohol or drug addiction know that getting clean is tough, but staying sober tougher. Addiction affects 23 million Americans, and it costs society billions each year. Because returning to the addict way of life is a possibility, you should … Read more

Medical Marijuana: A Safer Solution to Opioids?

Drug overdose is a major problem in the United States. Illicit and prescription drug abuse has plagued our country for years, and now, the statistics apply to professional athletes. In a recent survey of more than 150 NFL players, the use of chemical opioids was extremely common and encouraged by some league physicians. The addiction qualities of opioid painkillers are basically a Russian Roulette for some pain sufferers, however.

Change can be Hard regarding Drugs and Alcohol

In the beginning, change is very difficult to any drug- or alcohol-addicted person. This is due to the possibility of changing your surroundings, friends, and sometimes family upon who you socialize. You may need to find new friends, leave your family home, or even stop frequenting your normal hangouts to continue the healing process and start making the change to the path to recovery. At this step, you start thinking about the good ole times when you hung out and partied with friends before you really got serious about becoming clean and sober. The one thing you forget is that they don’t want you to be clean and sober. Rather, they still want you down there with them, living the life of an addict.

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